Freight Broker Cold Calling: Why the top brokers ditch the script
By Freight 360
Welcome to the fascinating world of freight brokerage, where no two customers are alike and where cold calling opens doors in ways you might not expect. In this industry, diversity is key, as every shipper and every client operates in a different way. Here’s an insight into the art of cold calling in freight brokerage and how you can navigate this complex web with finesse.
Table of Contents
The Diversity of Freight Brokerage
Imagine a world where every shipper speaks a different dialect of the same language. In freight brokerage, every shipper has its own unique reasons for collaboration. Cold calling is not just about sales; it’s about building trust and identifying problems and solutions.
Navigating the Cold Calling Landscape
Cold calling is like trying to fit one key into hundreds of locks, but it’s possible to unlock doors with the right approach. Remember, cold calling isn’t about hard-selling; it’s about trust-building, problem-identifying, and solution-offering.
A Structured Approach to Cold Calling
Here’s a structured approach that you can follow, a map to guide you through any conversation:
Immediate Engagement:
Ditch the monologues and put yourself in their shoes: “Why should they care?” Lead with something that matters to them. Is it your niche expertise, such as drayage, cross-border shipping, fresh produce, or open deck? Do you have carriers looking for backhauls in their location? Have you delivered to their location for another customer? Start with that. What would be important to you if your job involved arranging trucks at fair rates and providing reliable service? Hint: It’s not much different from what matters to a freight broker.
The Power of Conversation:
Once they’re listening, guide the conversation, but let them hold the wheel. Questions like, “We frequently deliver loads to your area. Have you experienced any capacity constraints lately?” keep the dialogue flowing. Following statements with questions engages and subtly directs the conversation.
Active Listening – The Underestimated Superpower:
It’s simple: Two ears, one mouth. However, it’s the depth of your listening that counts. Listen actively; focus on their tone and pace. Adjust your speech to resonate with theirs. It’s a psychological dance, building trust without words.
Inject Energy Into Your Voice:
Remember those lively radio hosts? Emulate them. Stand, smile, move around. It’s not just what you say, but how you say it that conveys your enthusiasm, commitment, and assurance.
Questionnaire – The Guiding Compass:
Be prepared with a set of open-ended questions. Here are some examples:
“How has business been this quarter?” “How are things shaping up for the next quarter?” “Describe your shipping process to me.” “How does your typical week look?” Any challenges you face during your peak season?” “Are there carriers you’ve had remarkable experiences with?” Open-ended questions open doors and unlock insights that are valuable for both you and your prospective client.
The Art of Closing:
Finally, and most crucially, don’t leave without making your pitch. You’ve navigated the conversation and built trust; now is the time to anchor it. Politely ask for their business. Take the initiative. A simple question like, “Considering our discussion, do you think there’s an opportunity for us to assist you at some point?” can make all the difference.
Making the Connection in a Diverse Industry
In logistics and supply chain, a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work. It’s about crafting a personalized experience on every call, recognizing interests and needs, and genuinely caring to deliver a solution.
Remember, your cold call is your first impression. Make it count.
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For more tips and comprehensive training, check out our website for our Freight Broker Course – Freight Broker Basics or on our YouTube channel. Learn everything you need to know to earn a living as a freight broker and build a successful business.
Dive deeper into our training with our Freight Broker Basics Course, designed for all freight broker business models and positions. Learn at your pace and sharpen your skills to source more leads and move more freight.
Dive deeper into our training with our Freight Broker Basics Course, designed for all freight broker business models and positions. Learn at your pace and sharpen your skills to source more leads and move more freight.
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