Episode 39: Hiring Employees Part 3 (Agency Growth)
Freight 360
June 5, 2020
Show NotesAdd/Message me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nate-cross-03b69332/1:36 – Freightwaves Article: “Volumes fall week-over-week but now up 10% year-over-year”4:42 – Hiring to grow your agency29:13 – Q&A – Getting back into brokering after driving truck for years31:29 – Q&A – Carriers paying 10% fee to brokers in order to back-solicit?33:40 – Final thoughts and sports updateArticle: https://www.freightwaves.com/news/volumes-fall-week-over-week-but-now-up-10-year-over-yearLinkedIn Article: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/when-should-freight-broker-agents-hire-first-employee-nathaniel-cross/