Episode 127: Q&A on Growth, Tools, and More

Freight 360

February 11, 2022

Episode 127: Q&A on Growth, Tools, and More

Episode 127 of The Freight 360 Podcast We Cover The Audience Questions

  • “How do I grow my brokerage?”
  • “Where do I start as a beginner to learn the trade?”
  • “How do I get customers?” “What TMS should I use?”
  • “What factoring company should I use as a new broker?”
  • “Can I move LTL and FTL under different authorities?”
  • “Do I need customer and carrier packets as a new broker?”
  • “What tool can I use to run quotes and rates?”

Freight Broker Basics Course

Group Coaching: https://bit.ly/3EMXepI

Sponsors/Affiliates: https://bit.ly/3mT2KAP

Freight 360 Website: https://www.freight360.net/

Cold Calling Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYhmsavBvsM

Carrier Lists: https://www.carrierlists.com/

About the Author

Freight 360
Freight 360

Freight 360 was born from a vision to share knowledge about transportation with everyone.

To read more about Freight 360, check out full bio here.