Episode 85: 9 Ways Freight Brokers Can Improve Willpower (Part 1)
Freight 360
April 23, 2021
1:20 – Upcoming stuff5:00 – FreightWaves Article: “Hapag-Lloyd shelling out more than half a billion dollars for containers”9:05 – Motivation and Willpower52:45 – Q&AWhat are the best ways you connect with potential customers?Why is freight quiet when it should be busy given the time of year?I’m a new agent, what tools/training or sites are good for quoting rates?FreightWaves Article: https://www.freightwaves.com/news/hapag-lloyd-shelling-out-more-than-half-a-billion-dollars-for-containers Free Month of DAT Power: http://www.dat.com/power/1959316 Free Month of DAT Express: http://www.dat.com/express/1959316 Free Month of DAT Truckers Edge: http://www.truckersedge.com/1959316 Lean Solutions Group: https://www.leangroup.com/ Nate Cross: nate@freight360.net LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nate-cross-03b69332/Benjamin Kowalski: benjamin@freight360.net LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjaminkowalski/Freight 360 Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/449325909379811 Freight 360 Website: www.freight360.net