Episode 164: Getting Customers in a Freight Recession

Freight 360

November 4, 2022

Episode 164: Getting Customers in a Freight Recession

We’ve seen the freight market contract over the recent months, and it’s more important than ever in times like these to secure the business you have and prospect new business. In this episode we talk about things you can do to strengthen your book of business.0:00 Intro4:55 Main EpisodeProduce Blue Book: https://www.producebluebook.com/join-today/ Freight Broker Basics Course: https://bit.ly/freight-360-universityGroup Coaching: https://bit.ly/3EMXepISponsors/Affiliates: https://bit.ly/3mT2KAPFreight 360 Website: https://www.freight360.net/

About the Author

Freight 360
Freight 360

Freight 360 was born from a vision to share knowledge about transportation with everyone.

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