Episode 142: Double Brokering

Freight 360

June 3, 2022

Episode 142: Double Brokering

Double brokering schemes have gotten worse and worse in the recent months. How do they work, and how can you protect yourself from these fraudulent scams? Listen in to this week’s episode for our full breakdown.Carrier 411 Article: https://www.carrier411.com/co-brokering-double-brokering.cfm •Freight Broker Basics Course: https://bit.ly/freight-360-university•Group Coaching: https://bit.ly/3EMXepI•Sponsors/Affiliates: https://bit.ly/3mT2KAP•Freight 360 Website: https://www.freight360.net/

About the Author

Freight 360
Freight 360

Freight 360 was born from a vision to share knowledge about transportation with everyone.

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